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Designated centres providing medico-social services for sexual assault

At a designated centre, you can obtain medical and psychosocial assistance, referrals and support with various recourses and judicial procedures or to receive additional care.

You will be cared for by a team of specialists in psychosocial intervention, nursing and medicine.

Depending on what you need, the designated centre will provide the following services:

  • Assess and respond to your needs
  • Make sure you are safe
  • Provide you with information and resources
  • Reassure you regarding your physical health
  • Detect and treat any injuries
  • Prevent pregnancy
  • Detect, treat or prevent sexually transmitted or blood-borne infections (STBBIs)
  • Gather evidence

Up until 5 days after the assault

Certain forensic samples can be collected. If you choose to report the assault to the police, this evidence can strengthen your case.

It is recommended that sexual assault victims go to a designated centre as soon as possible after the assault. There are over 80 designated centres in every region of Québec—in hospitals, CLSCs and dispensaries. To find the designated centre closest to you, call the Sexual Violence Helpline at 1-888-933-9007 or chat with one of our counsellors. 

To find out more about designated centres, visit serviceconseilqc.ca