I work with victims
Sexual Violence Helpline
You may be worried about someone who has been a victim of sexual violence, or may have been explicitly informed of details that give you due cause for concern. This person may need your help. The Sexual Violence Helpline team will provide you with information on the various needs of victims as well as available resources and recourse, and help you to determine the right course of action.
How to report a situation to the DYP
If a child tells you that they have experienced sexual violence, it is important to remain calm, reassure them that they were right to tell you, refrain from asking any leading questions and not to promise to keep their secret. Write down exactly what the child told you as soon and as accurately as possible. Important: If you learn that a child under 18 may have been a victim of sexual violence, you are obligated to report the situation to the Director of Youth Protection (DYP).
Emergency Financial Assistance Line (Ligne d’aide financière d’urgence or LAFU)
The Sexual Violence Helpline manages LAFU’s sexual violence service. This resource is available to help fieldworkers ensure the safety of victims of domestic and/or sexual violence in emergency situations. To find out more about this service, or if you are a fieldworker who would like to apply for assistance, visit lafu.ca.
Working together
Persons who are victims of sexual violence receive help from a multitude of public and community services. The Sexual Violence Helpline is a central listening and referral space that refers victims to other resources based on their needs. Many of our partners also refer people to our service and recommend it.